
Showing posts from November, 2021

Anxiety/Stress Autoscopy

Using our knowledge of Adobe Photoshop, we were tasked with developing an art piece known as an Autoscopy. This piece included a picture of ourselves and using the layering/filter features of Photoshop we meshed the layers together to present a new image with meaning. We also needed to convert the image into GIFs and play around with filters, dither, and colors. I chose to use fire as a symbol of the immense stress and anxiety that I get in my everyday life. It takes over me and rages inside me like an out of control fire. Below is the original image, 5 quality-different JPGs, and 4 GIFs. Remember, no matter how bad things get you will always rise from the ashes.

Multiplicity Photoshop

Using all of our knowledge of Photoshop, we were tasked with taking 6 pictures of ourselves keeping the camera in the same location with the same lighting. We then had to take the photos and using Photoshop, put them all into 1 single high resolution image. Below are the 6 images I used along with the final Photoshopped image. And I thought 1 of me was enough......

Somewhere Photoshop

The last couple of weeks we have been learning how to use layering and masking in Adobe Photoshop. Using that knowledge, and how to color correct images, we were tasked with photoshopping ourselves into a movie scene/tv show/poster. I chose to do a scene from one of the Harry Potter movies. Below is the original scene image, my original photo, and the 2 versions of the final photoshopped image (one of which was corrected by Santi in class). Be sure to be on the lookout so you can spot me on the big screen!

BW to Color Photoshop Design

 The last couple of weeks we've learned how to use different tools in Adobe Photoshop. We learned how to create layer masks and change the properties of the photos like how it would be done in the real world by professionals. We were tasked with using an original photo of ourselves and converting the image to black and white. Then we created layer masks to change the color of certain elements in the photo, and played with the opacity. Below is my original photo and the Photoshopped version using 3 different color palettes!

Friday Night Frights Poster Design

Using Adobe Illustrator, we were tasked with creating a poster with a message using an original photo of ourselves. For my poster I had a completely different idea when first going into it where I wanted to make a poster based on mental health and raise awareness. After looking at the uploaded black and white version of the photo in Illustrator I decided to go in a completely different direction and make a horror movie poster (given it was Halloween). Below is my original photo along with the finished poster. I hope you like it and Happy (very) late Halloween!